Does anyone really like writing a bio? Too many fancy words and a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. Instead, here are a few questions and answers about the artist that is RINGO'S MY UNCLE.
How does your mom feel about what you do for a living?
I think my mom would be happy with whatever I do, but deep down I think she'd like me to stop getting tattoos. I was a graphic artist for the last 20 years, and my mom would always phone me when she had computer or printer issues; my response would always be: Mom, I work on computers, I don’t know how to fix them!
What was the first album you bought with your own money?
That’s a tough one as I can’t quite remember if it was either Split Enz or ZZ Top, and to be honest, they were cassette tapes, not record albums. The Split Enz tape led me to my very first concert in 1982, which also inspired me to start playing the drums! Listening to ZZ Top gave me my love and appreciation for 16th notes on the high hat. Sadly the ZZ Top cassette tape was stolen at a skate-a-thon event...I never quite got over that.
Fashion and art are intertwined – crew neck, V-neck, or turtle neck, what’s your preference?
Definitely V-neck. My cousin’s husband thinks I wear V-necks to show off my chest tattoo. In reality, I wear V-necks so I know which way goes in front! My pajama top, yes I do wear pajamas, is a crew neck. Most of the time I have the top on backward, and sometimes inside out - Enough said!
As an artist, you have to be creative during the day. Is your mind just as creative during the night in your dreams and do you have any that are memorable enough to share?
My mind is crazy at night and I remember most of my dreams. A couple of dreams do come to mind. In the 1990s, I had a waterbed in my apartment, yes a waterbed (google it kids) My wife, girlfriend at the time, told me she woke up to me rummaging around the shelves on the headboard. I picked up a Wagon Wheel from the headboard, threw it across the room, and yelled “Look who’s got the puck now!” I didn’t wake up during this nor did I remember it in the morning. I won’t get into the story of my dream about chasing Britney Spears up a flight of stairs! And don't ask me why there was a wagon wheel at the headboard!
What’s your favourite emoji?
I really only use two emojis all the time, the rock on and the “Ok” hand gesture. C’mon, I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s (Holy Diver, you've been down too long in the midnight sea!) Most people who follow me on social media can attest I love the ok hand gesture. I think it’s funny that some online media outlets are claiming it's the new symbol of hate. Really? Lighten up, people! To me, it's just "Everything is ok” or “Gotcha” or am I really just secretly giving a shout-out to all my Illuminati brothers and sisters?
What are your best/worst traits?
Best – I'm full of art ideas so I will never run out of subject matter. Worst – two traits here. I’m constantly thinking ahead to the next project, instead of focusing and finishing the current one! And I really wish I could just draw anything from my head. I have to spend a little more time finding reference material. If my wife were answering, she would say my best trait is not only my natural artistic ability but my creative thinking. She’d easily say my worst trait is my self-criticism of my own art and the amount of thought I put into thinking about how my hair looks.
If you could go back in time to see a music event, where and what band would it be?
The Beatles at Shea Stadium…duh! How cool would it be to be amongst 55,000 screaming fans watching one of the most influential bands of all time! I’d also probably try to sneak in and meet the uncle himself. Oh wait, that would probably screw up the space-time continuum, right?
Who would be your ideal dinner guest and what would you serve them?
I’ll have to choose two guests – Joe Rogan and Dave Chappelle. Joe Rogan’s podcasts are a staple of my day-to-day art experience. He’s funny, his shows are interesting, and I simply enjoy listening to him and his guests. Dave Chappelle is an unfiltered authentic comedian and just makes me laugh. These guests would provide a true comedic dinner conversation. I make an awesome jambalaya, but I would opt to serve them my homemade Ukrainian pierogi, which my wife and I spend hours making every couple of months!
Is Ringo really your uncle?
I’ll answer that question with a question – Do you really know your family history? As Maury Povich would say, I have the DNA results right here…
** For those of you born in 1990 or later, you might need to google some of the terms – Ex. Cassette tape, waterbed, skate-a-thon.